
“True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well being of one’s companion”
-President Hinckley

Thursday, May 7, 2009

10 Things


1. Reading scriptures with my Hubby before I go to sleep
2. Coming home to a cool apartment after a hot day
3. Toasted bagels with butter and jelly
4. Hugs
5. That clean feeling after you brush your teeth
6. Watching movies as a study break
7. Cuddling up and reading a good book
8. Learning about early British Literature and writers
9. Going out and not staying in

And mostly...

10. Dan


  1. We can comment!! You guys are so cute. It brings back some fun memories of the before Zach days. We are excited to see you in a week!

  2. we love dan the most also, weird - haha. I do love how marriage has improved your blogging consistency though. We love you Brit (way more than Dan just don't tell him that)


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