
“True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well being of one’s companion”
-President Hinckley

Saturday, April 19, 2014


 Today was a big day for us. In the morning, we went to the Evergreen club on camp walker and did their Eggstravaganza activity. Evie got to do an Easter egg hunt, and there were bubbles and crafts, and the Easter bunny paid a visit. Unfortunately, there weren't enough eggs for all the kids, so Evie only ended up with 3, I think, and it was super cold, but overall, I think she had fun.

Emmett "hunting" for eggs

After it was all over


This was actually the best out of the ones I took. Yikes.

Emmett got a haircut today! We used Dan's clippers and buzzed his whole head. What a handsome fella.

 before and after

Before dinner, we dyed Easter eggs, which was a whole lot of fun. Evie couldn't get enough of it, and was pretty sad when they were all done. But, I think she did a pretty good job! 


  1. What a good idea to use a whisk to dye eggs, I'm going to have to try that. Miss you guys!

  2. What fun times! Wish you could be here for our Easter egg hunt this morning. Some day .... We need to skype again. Maybe next weekend?

  3. It looks like Emmett is having a conversation with the Easter bunny. Fun day.


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