
“True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well being of one’s companion”
-President Hinckley

Friday, June 3, 2011


you guys, my baby takes naps.
not only does she take naps, but she also doesn't cry all day long anymore.
she still fusses occasionally, but who doesn't?
i'm in heaven.

also, she sleeps 7 hours at a time at night and smiles constantly.

i knew that baby was in there somewhere.

i feel like i should send her doctor a pony.
or some chocolate.
or a million dollars.


  1. This makes me so happy. It's so much easier to appreciate your baby when they give you time to unwind.

  2. I'm so so so happy to hear she's doing better! I really hope Evie keeps it up. I'm glad to have a happier, less stressed sister! I love sweet Evie smiles.

  3. Send him the pony. Definitely. :) That made me laugh.

  4. How bout a chocolate pony? Because they have chocolate bunnies, ya know.

    So relieved to hear she's doing better. Prayers are answered!


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