
“True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well being of one’s companion”
-President Hinckley

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shirts, Shoes, Dentist, and Food

Like my title? Me too.
My mom took me to lunch and shopping on Saturday and it was so much fun. I can't remember the last time I went shopping because I don't have any girl friends to go with, so it was amazing. I got some quality girl time with my mom and it was like a breath of fresh air. Dan got to spend that day with my dad watching basketball, so he was happy too.

Today Dan and I finally went to the dentist! This may not be exciting to you, but neither of us have been to the dentist in years because we don't have insurance and we're poor. But, my mom found this place in Wichita that prices things according to your income and you don't need insurance so we went. Do not be alarmed. It was actually super clean and they were all certified dentists (I was worried too). Turns out I don't have any cavities. Hmm... I am not sure how that happened because I was positive I had at least 4. I guess not. Turns out Dan only has one cavity, so the news just keeps getting better and better. We feel so incredibly blessed because we finally know what is going on (in our mouths) and we can finally fix it and afford it. It is such a great relief.

So, we have had an amazing time here and I wish this week would last forever. I really need this time with my mom. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed, so this has been perfect. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week!

p.s. I still haven't repeated an outfit and I've been taking pictures everyday, so look forward to that later!


  1. So fun! Glad you got to go the dentist, I'll have to look into that place you went to- it's that whole poor college student thing. :) Oh, and if you ever want to go shopping here in Manhappenin', guess who LOVES to go shopping? :o) Glad your spring break is awesome!

  2. Congrats on girl time with your Mom and getting new clothes!

    And that IS way exciting about your dentist trip! Cody and I haven't gone in AT LEAST two years either and I want to go so bad!!! Hahaha, I love your reassurance about the place you went - I'm sure it was "legit". ;)

    And WOW for not repeating an outfit! You have tons of clothes! Thanks for the cute ideas!

  3. I know what you mean about not going to the dentist...the last time I went I was pretty sure I have a cavity, but I still came out with a record for never having a cavity in my life haha. :)

    Just floss your teeth (that's the secret!) along with brushing and you won't have to worry about cavities. :)


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